  • Centro Concertado de FP
  • IES
Cobots: La revolución del concepto “interacción persona-máquina”
15 Sep

Cobots: La revolución del concepto “interacción persona-máquina”

Organiza: CPIFP Corona de Aragón

  • C. de la Corona de Aragón, 35, Zaragoza, España

    Cómo llegar
  • Fecha inicio: 15/09/2022

  • Fecha fin: 16/09/2022

Other educational centers and/or companies: CPIFP Corona de Aragón (Zaragoza) – CPIFP Pirámide (Huesca) – IES Tirant lo Blanc (Gandía) - CIFP Elorrieta-Erreka Mari (Bilbao) – CIFPA (Zaragoza)- SEA ROBOTICS.- UNIVERSAL ROBOTS . Teachers involved: Raúl Rada Martínez, Adrián La Fuerza Herranz, Javier Tormes and more teachers from the other centers. Coordination meetings have been held between the centers involved. During May 2022, Training on Collaborative Robots was received at the UR headquarters in Barcelona, ​​a visit to the Hispack fair was made to see the latest developments in collaborative robotics. The purpose is to develop practices for the didactic development of collaborative robots, to work with students of the higher degree cycle of industrial mechatronics. Continue with training and dissemination activities.


Proyecto de Innovación

Tipo de Acción

Proyecto Nacional


CPIFP Pirámide